Jenna Wechsler
Deputy Technical Editor

Jenna Weschler (she/her) is a Deputy Technical Editor for the New England Law Review, Volume 58. She is a Juris Doctorate Candidate for 2024.

Jenna has a PhD in Political Science from Vanderbilt University. She was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Wheaton College (MA) for ten years, teaching American and Judicial Politics courses. She has interned for the Legal Counsel of Cambridge Public Schools. Jenna wants to pursue a career in Education Law post-graduation.  

Jenna is originally from Cleveland, Ohio, and resides in Duxbury, MA, with her husband, three children, dog, and cat. Outside law school, Jenna leads a Girl Scout troop, coaches soccer, and is a member of her town’s School Council and Temple Board. She enjoys playing tennis and spending time at the beach with her family.